Go to bottom of page: Press Ctrl-Down Arrow to jump immediately to the bottom of the page.Scroll down: Press Page Down or Spacebar to scroll through a web page a section at a time.Go to the next or previous field: Press Tab to cycle through all the fields or sections of a page press Shift-Tab to do the same, only backwards.Reload and override cache: Press Ctrl-Shift-R to reload the page without using any locally stored files in the browser cache, which forces Firefox to reload the page by downloading all new files.Reload page: Press Ctrl-R to reload the current page, which is the same as clicking the "Reload this page" button in the toolbar at the top of Firefox.Home: Press Alt-Home to go to your browser's home page specified in Settings.Forward and back: Press Alt-Right Arrow to navigate forward in your browsing history for the current tab, or Alt-Left Arrow to go back to the last page you visited.Put the focus in the address bar: Press Alt-D or Ctrl-L to automatically move the cursor to the address bar so you can enter a URL.
Toggle full screen view: Press F11 (Command-Shift-R on Mac) to switch between full screen mode and back again.You can use the Arrow keys to select an entry and then press Shift-Del to delete it. Delete the selected autocomplete entry: As you type a URL in the address bar, autocomplete options appear in the dropdown menu.com address: As you type a URL in the address bar, press Ctrl-Enter to automatically add ".com" to the end. If you're confused by the keyboard shortcuts listed above, here's an expanded list with more information on what each shortcut does. Skip ahead or back: Right Arrow or Left Arrow.